Electronic sign in is required for every entry onto the club grounds and replaces the manual sign in book that was previously inside the club house.

Welcome to Illawarra Archers

updated 16/2/2025

mark your calendars - a QRE Field shoot is coming on March 1 

- QRE shooters register in Assemble , club shooters register in Archers Diary

note: we will have a special working bee on Feb 22 to prepare the Field Course - info

Introduction to Archery and Beginners Courses 

- Intro Course March 2 9-11am is fully booked

    we are talking with the coaches to try to organise a second session for Mar 2 - TBA

- Intro Course April 6 9-11am is fully booked

- next Beginners Course March 23& 30

Thursday Twilight Shoot Feb 20  AA 30/720 . register in Archers Diary.

Saturday Shoot Feb 22, to follow the Field Working Bee & BBQ - Rockingham / Gosnells / Carnarvon - register in Archers Diary.

Illawarra Archers is a non-profit sporting club who practice the sport of target archery at our range in the foothills of Mt. Keira. We are one of the largest archery clubs in NSW with over 200 members. We practice target, field, and indoor archery, and our members use various bow types.

see the News for the latest on club happenings.

We are affiliated with the Archery Society of NSW and in turn with Archery Australia and World Archery. This allows our members to enjoy the challenge and comradery of shooting tournaments throughout the country.

Our members range from Australian Representative level to the social weekend archer, families and individuals – archery is a sport for all!

Our club has some of the best facilities available to archers in Australia with the club facilities being available to members 7 days a week, and the depth of experience within the club is of great benefit to newer archers and those wishing to advance their skills.

We hold club shoots every Saturday and also host several tournaments throughout the year. Interested in archery?? Try one of our Beginner Classes and get involved.

Who can shoot at our Club?

Club members must register on line before attending the club. (If this is not possible, there is an attendance book in the clubhouse)

As well as current Shooting Members of our Club, visiting members of Archery Australia Affiliated Clubs, or members of other Archery Alliance clubs (ABA / 3DAAA / TAA) may shoot with us, upon payment of the range fee.

(Click here for Details and Verification requirements for Visitors).

Daily Sign In Register

SignIn This electronic sign-in is to be used for every attendance at our club grounds. If an alternative is required, the manual sign-in book is available inside the club house. 

 Illawarra Archers Events

Electronic sign in is required for every entry onto the club grounds and replaces the manual sign in book that was previously inside the club house.

How can I join the club?

To join the club you must have completed an Introduction to Archery Course, followed by a Beginners Course, or have verified experience in archery or be transferring from another club. You will also need to complete a registration form and pay the annual shooting fees.  More information...